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Industrial Fiber Optics

Industrial Fiber Optics is a supplier of opto-electronics with three areas of focus: Laser and Fiber optic training modules, kits, equipment and supplies for Grade 3 through University; Plastic fiber optic components including LEDs, photodetectors, cable, patch cords, connectors, tools; Custom electro-optic components and sensors.

Viewed products

Industrial Fiber Optics

51 0137

$ 0.00 (not set)
Industrial Fiber Optics

IF 820064

$ 0.00 (not set)
Industrial Fiber Optics

IF 820065

$ 0.00 (not set)
Industrial Fiber Optics

51 0059

$ 0.00 (not set)
Industrial Fiber Optics

51 0061

$ 0.00 (not set)
Industrial Fiber Optics

51 0242

$ 0.00 (not set)
Industrial Fiber Optics


$ 0.00 (not set)
Industrial Fiber Optics

51 0067

$ 0.00 (not set)
Industrial Fiber Optics


$ 0.00 (not set)
Industrial Fiber Optics


$ 0.00 (not set)

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